
The team at Grey Matters have created this PCDEQ based on the ideas of Canadian psychologist Terry Orlick and his colleagues who had developed a set of Mental Characteristics of Excellence.

One of the big attractions for us was that these characteristics were also emerging from our work in TID. That is, the characteristics (or skills as we developed them) seemed very similar to those which were needed along the development pathway, helping the rising performer to make the most of the opportunities offered.

After completing our course, you will gain a three-year license as an Accredited PCDEQ Practitioner. As a result, you’ll be able to provide performers with a detailed breakdown of their skillset, then work with them to develop these in ways that will promote application to their own performance domain.

Benefits of PCDEQ

Adaptability We see the PCDEs as a ‘hand of cards’ from which the performer can select a particular combination to address the challenges they face.
Desirability Possessing a full set of PCDEs, plus the ability to apply them, can help to achieve many of the desirable attributes or behaviours shown by other researchers to be important.
Challenge impact minimisation Possession of and confidence in using the PCDEs can help to minimise the impacts of challenge which may otherwise lead to mental health issues.
Transferable skills Possession of the PCDEs equips young performers with skills which can be applied to their sport, education, and life, making it genuinely educational.

How it works

Step 1 - Sign up Apply with evidence that you are an accredited psychology professional (e.g. HCPC, BASES, BACP or international equivalent) or working towards that award.
Step 2 - Training Attend a day’s training course. At the end of the course, you’ll have a three-year license as an Accredited PCDEQ Practitioner.
Step 3 - Provision Either before or after training, you can pay for 50, 150 or 400 questionnaire reports.
Step 4 - Use After purchasing the questionnaires, you will be able to send a link to clients, who will complete the questionnaire.

A leap forward in performance

To find out how Grey Matters can take you or your athletes to the next level click below to get in touch.

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A message from Dave Collins
Performance psychologist

In an increasingly confused world of ‘sciency’ researchers and commercial gurus, Grey Matters focus on providing a clear, evidence-based service that puts YOU in charge.

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