
Too Many Cooks, Not Enough Gourmets: Examining Provision and Use of Feedback for the Developing Athlete
This study began after a conversation with a player I was coaching. Between academy, school, international and senior team, he had nearly 30 people inputting on his development.
21 Mar 2022
What is Biopsychosocial?
There is currently lots of discussion about the concept of Biopsychosocial in the sporting world at the moment - but what is it?
04 Mar 2022
Feedback in Coaching - Seeing it Differently
Traditionally in sport, we see the provision of feedback as a one-way activity. Coach speaks to athlete, presents video footage etc.
25 Feb 2022
Creating and Keeping a Culture: Lighting Up the ‘Dark Side’ of Sports Directorship in Football
As with any new-ish profession, it seems fair to say that football is still findings its feet when it comes to Sporting Directors.
28 May 2019
The Daily Mile – Cracking the obesity crisis or papering over the cracks?
Of the many health issues and concerns facing our society, the obesity crisis is the most significant.
18 Aug 2018
Do YOU work in a “Chesil Beach” Organisation?
On the south (Jurassic) coast of England there is an eighteen-mile long pile of small stones called Chesil Beach.
16 Aug 2018
Mental Health in Elite Performers - different challenges AND different skills
Concern with mental health is a hot topic across all aspects of human behaviour.
05 Jun 2018
The Triangular Approach
A key philosophy used by all of us at Grey Matters UK is that of the triangular approach in the way that we work with our clients You might wonder why - well I do like Toblerone, but there is a bit more to it.
03 May 2018
Learning in your sleep
We bought a piano at Christmas for our daughter, with the express purpose of she and I learning together. Sounds like fun, right?
26 Feb 2018
Pacing your fear
I have the pleasure of working with New Zealand Ski and Snowboard.
31 Jan 2018
They call it performance psychology for a reason...
When we talk about Performance Psychology, your first thought is sport. Next thought is often business, or dance or even military.
26 Jan 2018
What to look for in a performance psychologist
Performance psychology is a growing business. It has taken a while but people seem to be catching on to the idea that, not only is mental...
26 Jan 2018
A leap forward in performance
To find out how Grey Matters can take you or your athletes to the next level click below to get in touch.
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A message from Dave Collins
Performance psychologistIn an increasingly confused world of ‘sciency’ researchers and commercial gurus, Grey Matters focus on providing a clear, evidence-based service that puts YOU in charge.
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