Success stories

Our clients’ confidentiality is key. You won’t find us naming clients on this website. Instead, here you can see an overview of people we’ve worked with to date.

Find out more

Case scenarios

  • Intro
  • Injury Rehabilitation
  • Facing the Big Challenge


When people think of sport psychology the list can be pretty restrictive – imagery, anxiety and motivation get a mention but often not much else.
Our list of case scenarios offers an overview of the breadth and depth of the areas in which we work. Have a look through and see if any match your challenge or area of interest.


A leap forward in performance

To find out how Grey Matters can take you or your athletes to the next level click below to get in touch.

Contact us
A message from Dave Collins
Performance psychologist

In an increasingly confused world of ‘sciency’ researchers and commercial gurus, Grey Matters focus on providing a clear, evidence-based service that puts YOU in charge.

View Dave on LinkedIn